The SonicSolutions® device produces a range of ultrasonic frequencies that target blue/green and filamentous algaes. Sonic Solutions Ultrasonic Frequencies kills up to 95% of the Blue Green Algae and Green Algae in ponds, lakes, golf courses.
It will have no effect upon aquatic plants, such as duckweed, water meal, eel grass, milfoil, and chara. It is also safe for other aquatic life, such as fish, turtles, and frogs.
Product Information
Complete coverage, low maintenance
Using less than 10 watts of power, SonicSolutions® floats just below the surface, fighting pool and pond algae, water treatment algae, farm pond algae, fish pond algae, and even algae in irrigation ponds and pools. The device works 24 hours a day, is environmentally safe, and requires little maintenance, with no need to measure and apply toxic chemicals.
The SonicSolutions® algae control device emits ultrasonic waves that "fan out" at approximately 180° from the front of the transducer (see figure 1). Range and coverage area are dependant on the local conditions, including the distance to the site from the equator and nutrient loading. Units can be used in combination to provide complete coverage of large installations. Download a SonicSolutions® Specifications Sheet in PDF format for specific details and information in selecting the model that is ideal for your personal needs.
"We installed a SonicSolutions model SS-500 in our dock area. After just over two weeks the results in the immediate area were extraordinary with areas further out taking somewhat longer but achieving the same result. The SonicSolution system eliminated the algae while causing no harm to any of the fish and other wildlife in the area tested and our club was very pleased with the results."
Michael Kellstrand
Member, Willow Bank Yacht Club
Cazenovia, NY
How it Works
Eliminate algae in pools, ponds, lakes, lagoons, reservoirs and tanks.
Wondering how to remove algae from your water without expensive toxic chemicals? SonicSolutions® is the answer. SonicSolutions® eliminates your algae problems by using an environmentally safe technology that kills existing algae and controls future growth. The submerged ultrasonic transducer is programmed to generate the precise frequency of ultrasonic waves that destroys algae's cellular functioning and structure.
Depending on site conditions, initial results can be seen within two weeks of installation. Over a period of an additional 6 to 12 weeks, SonicSolutions® will kill the algae that subsequently bloom from the algae spores that are present in the water. After 12 weeks, the device will continue to keep your water basin clear with 24-hour, low-cost, low-maintenance algae control. SonicSolutions® is completely chemical-free, can help lower pH and TSS, and is registered with the USEPA.
Sonic Solutions Products
Power Input/Output Description
Size of Pond
Type of Pond
SS 100
MOST PONDS FIT THIS UNIT! 105-125V AC, 50/60 HZ, Input - 0.4 AmpsDoes not come with a floater.
Floater must be purchased separately.
10' x 10' - Up to 240 sq. ft. Surface Area
Small Tanks & Koi,Golfish or Ornamental Pond. Residental Use.
SS 100-24"
24V DC.0.2 Amps
Floater has to be purchased separately.
10' x 10' - Up to 2,240 sq. ft. Surface Area
Small Tanks & Koi,Golfish or Ornamental Pond. Residental Use.